Hawks, Kites, Eagles and Allies
Although this is a large and varied family, its members share many similarities. They are all diurnal hunters and, for the most part, use their sharp vision to locate prey, which they capture with strong feet. Many members of this family are migratory, and they often concentrate along major migration corridors. These migration corridors often follow ridgelines, where the birds ride updrafts to facilitate their journey south. Like other birds of prey, female hawks et al. are larger than males. Most members of this family are monogamous, and many form long-term pair bonds. Females generally incubate the eggs and brood the young, with some assistance from the male. The male brings food to the nest. Once the young no longer need to be brooded, both parents bring food. Extended parental care is the norm for this group, as it takes a relatively long time for young to learn to hunt.
Species Found In Washington
OspreyPandion haliaetus
White-tailed KiteElanus leucurus
Bald EagleHaliaeetus leucocephalus
Northern HarrierCircus cyaneus
Sharp-shinned HawkAccipiter striatus
Cooper's HawkAccipiter cooperii
Northern GoshawkAccipiter gentilis
Red-shouldered HawkButeo lineatus
Broad-winged HawkButeo platypterus
Swainson's HawkButeo swainsoni
Red-tailed HawkButeo jamaicensis
Ferruginous HawkButeo regalis
Rough-legged HawkButeo lagopus
Golden EagleAquila chrysaetos